Get involved with Engage Douglas County
Engage Douglas County (EDC) was formed in January 2019 in response to the Douglas County Community Health Plan. The plan identified a variety of data points indicating that substance use was an issue in the community. Within the plan, prioritizing prevention emerged as a top issue. Community partners were convened to assess prevention needs in the county and build capacity to address identified challenges. Utilizing the Strategic Prevention Framework process, EDC has developed a prevention plan with diverse community partners and continues to seek new partnerships and grow youth prevention efforts.
The mission of EDC is to mobilize and empower Douglas County to reduce substance misuse and promote mental health primarily among youth through action, education, and collaboration. The coalition’s focus is youth under the age of 18. Our current priorities include increasing awareness and providing support on issues that affect many of our Douglas County residents and connecting partners on prevention efforts from a variety of resources and organizations within the county.
EDC currently has several programs, including Sources of Strength, MedSafe Safe Medication Disposal, Good Behavior Game, Reward/Reminder, Handle With Care, My Strength, and Hidden in Plain Sight. Additionally, the coalition supports Youth Empowerment and Prevention (YEP!). This is a youth-led organization with the goal to promote positive change within our schools and communities. Youth get trained in substance misuse prevention, suicide prevention, mental health, and leadership. YEP! provides opportunities for youth to connect with like-minded youth from other schools in the county and throughout the year.
Engage Douglas County is a Drug Free Communities Coalition.