DCCCA is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission to provide social and community services that improve the safety, health and well-being of those we serve. While DCCCA Inc. is our legal name, DCCCA developed a slogan – Developing Caring Communities Committed to Action – that better describes our work. Take a moment to explore who we are, our history, our values, our culture, and learn more about the impact the work we do has on the communities we serve.
DCCCA Program Information – Handout

Behavioral Health

DCCCA offers residential and outpatient treatment therapy services for adults seeking substance use or mental health treatment.
Child Placing Agency

Child Placing Agency Specialists recruit, train, and provide 24-hour support for foster families across Kansas. Our foster homes provide a stable, caring environment to children of all ages with a wide range of individual needs. We value foster parents and believe every child has a right to a permanent, safe, and loving family.
Community Based Services

DCCCA’s Community-Based Services division supports prevention and traffic safety initiatives. Our prevention work focuses on providing training and technical assistance to community coalitions, developing evidence-based resources, providing education on overdose prevention and medication safety, and providing naloxone to community partners. We also offer Mental Health First Aid (Kansas and Oklahoma) and QPR training. Our traffic safety work provides public information and education to protect individuals from avoidable injury or death on roadways. The SAFE (Seatbelts Are for Everyone) program focused on engaging young people in peer-to-peer promotion of traffic safety.
Family Preservation

DCCCA services ensure the safety and well-being of children at-risk for entering the foster care system. In-home interventions are facilitated by trained practitioners.
Research and Evaluation

Research and analysis services perform a variety of functions that support not only our work as an agency, but the work of many of our partner agencies including: NHTSA, KTSRO, the Crawford County Kansas Sheriff’s Department, and the Kansas Highway Patrol.
We Kan Drive

We Kan Drive is a program that helps to remove the barriers youth in foster care face when working toward obtaining their drivers license.