Ready to become a foster parent?
Begin your online registration now.
Interested in fostering or adopting and want someone to contact you?
Are you a Foster Parent licensed with another agency wanting to learn more about DCCCA?
- Each family is assigned one DCCCA Specialist who will visit with the family on a regular basis to ensure that their needs are met
- 24/7 support from your Specialist, because we know concerns don’t just arise during business hours
- Training provided at no cost to foster families
- Personalized matching of children with families
- Two days of paid respite per month
- Reimbursed twice per month, direct deposit available
- Liability insurance is provided
- Monthly support group
- Foster family newsletter
- Appreciation events for foster families
- Access to an electronic records system to easily update and complete licensing paperwork and child documents
Steps to Becoming a Foster Parent
1. Get connected
Register online or call us at 1 (877) 306-6250 and complete the application process.
2. Meet with a Training and Licensing Specialist
First meeting in your home with DCCCA.
3. Attend Deciding Together (DT) Training
Complete DT training in your home. DT occurs once a week for 7 weeks.
4. Paperwork
You can complete your paperwork online at your own pace.
5. DCF Walkthrough
A DCF worker will come to your home to do a walkthrough. Don’t worry, your DCCCA Specialist will have already prepared you for this visit.
6. Receive Your License
Receive approval to be a licensed foster parent.
7. Congratulations!
Receive your first call from your DCCCA Specialist regarding a child that matches your home.
Not every child’s situation is right for every family. DCCCA offers several different types of programs based on your experience and preferences. This helps to ensure the best fit for families and children.
Traditional Family Foster Care

Child In Need of Care (CINC)
Care for children under state custody and legal guardianship.

Care for a child in need of immediate protection and placement for overnight or a short period of time.

Care which allows short-term placement for a child when the long-term foster family needs a break or is unavailable to care for the child due to vacation or personal issues.
Programs for non-custody youth

Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) Respite
Care for children receiving SED waiver services through mental health centers who need short-term respite.

Professional Resource Family Care (PRFC)
Care for children receiving SED waiver services through mental health centers, generally for 30-60 days.

Police Protective Custody (PPC)
Care for children that are temporarily placed under the custody of law enforcement while pending a decision from the court.

Family Preservation Respite
DCCCA Family Preservation serves families that are at risk for the removal of children from the home. Supports are provided to prevent children from being placed into foster care. Respite is provided when there is an urgent safety concern or when parents need a scheduled break.

TFFH Respite or Stability Placements
Therapeutic Family Foster Homes can provide more intensive services for children and families receiving other preventative services such as Family Preservation, Families First, or Post Adoption. Respite or Stability placements (generally 30-60 days) can be provided to prevent hospitalization or removal from the home.

Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)
Short or long term care for children that are receiving I/DD waiver services through the local Community Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO).

Post Adoption Respite
Respite provides a short break for adoptive families and allows caregivers an opportunity to take care of themselves without having to worry about their child.
Requirements to Become a Foster Family
To be licensed with DCCCA, a foster family must meet these minimum requirements:
- Be at least 21 years old
- Have adequate income to meet your own family’s needs before being a foster parent
- May be single, married, non-married couple or divorced
- Have valid driver’s license and reliable, insured transportation
- Background checks are completed for household members 10 years of age and older
Call us at 1-877-306-6250 to talk about the process. We’d be happy to answer any questions for you!