Virtual Sessions from April 20th – May 21st 2020

How Virtual KYC3 Works
- Register to attend virtual KYC3.
- Pick each session you are interested in participating in when you register.
- Participate in the sessions and receive prizes!
Prizes For Participation
Every youth who registers will receive a KYC3 t-shirt.
Every youth will receive prizes for attending sessions!
Q: Is there a deadline to register for virtual KYC3?
A: There is no deadline to register for virtual KYC3; the registration will be open for the duration of the conference.
Q: Can I register after the start of the virtual conference?
A: Yes, you can still register after the conference begins on April 20th. Any sessions that have already concluded will be available to view on DCCCA’s YouTube until May 29th.
Q: Can I attend a session that I don’t register for?
A: Yes, you can attend a session you don’t register for, but if at all possible, please register beforehand so 1) the presenters know how many participants are planning to attend and 2) we know where to send your prize!
Q: What if I mark that I am interested in attending a session but I can’t make it?
A: That’s okay! Email Lydia at to let her know you can’t attend the live session. Sessions will be recorded and made available to view after the live session has concluded, so you can always check it out at a later date.
Q: Can I still receive prizes if I view a recorded session?
A: Yes, you can still receive prizes for viewing recorded sessions. You must view the recorded session(s) by May 29th in order to be eligible to receive prizes.
Q: I am from a state other than Kansas. Am I still welcome to participate in KYC3?
A: Absolutely! Please feel free to join our virtual sessions! Be sure to share which state your from when you register to attend virtual KYC3. Please note that only Kansas youth are eligible to receive KYC3 t-shirts and prizes due to funding restrictions.
Q: When will we receive KYC3 prizes?
A: Prizes will be mailed out the week of June 1st after the conclusion of the conference.
Q: Can adult sponsors attend the sessions?
A: Yes. The sessions are designed for youth and youth interaction, but adults are welcome to join in sessions and observe. Adults will register using the same form as students. Adults will not be eligible to receive prizes.